Articles in

Forward Quotes

Forward quotes are used to represent and identify the future rates of the currency. These rates are used for currency...

Owais Siddiqui
20 Oct 2022
1 min read

Lease Rates

The lease rate is the periodic payment made by the lessee to the lessor for the use of an asset in a lease transactio...

Owais Siddiqui
19 Oct 2022
1 min read

Backwardation and Contango

In interest rates management, backwardation and contango are two critical phenomena that identify the direction of in...

Owais Siddiqui
19 Oct 2022
1 min read

Agriculture Commodities

Agriculture commodities are also essential for the commodity markets. These commodities have a higher rate of fluctua...

Owais Siddiqui
19 Oct 2022
1 min read

What are Greeks?

The Greeks are essential risk management tools. Each Greek calculates the sensitivity of a portfolio's value to a tin...

Owais Siddiqui
19 Oct 2022
2 min read

What is Duration in finance ?

The sensitivity of a bond to interest rate fluctuations is measured by its duration,as to what happens when analysis.

Owais Siddiqui
18 Oct 2022
1 min read

Validation of Models

Validation is the “proof ” that a model works as intended, it is a useful tool to test a model’s risk sensitivity.

Owais Siddiqui
18 Oct 2022
1 min read

Probability Mass Function and Probability Density Function

Probability Mass Function & probability density function with Example, this function returns the probability that a r...

Owais Siddiqui
18 Oct 2022
1 min read

Basel II: Three Pillars

While Basel I improved the way capital requirements were determined for banks worldwide, it had some major limitations.

Owais Siddiqui
18 Oct 2022
2 min read