Digital and Technology

Courses ranging from 1 – 5 Units

Keep up to date with advances in digital and technology, and how they can help you advance your career with expert CPD courses from Learnsignal.

⚡️ Get your CPD started with Learnsignal

  • Choose from a range of expert CPD courses to improve your skills and grow your career
  • Record all your CPD certificates in one place
  • Buy courses either as individual courses, tracks ranging from 10-21 units, or buy a subscription to Learnsignal’s library of 500+ hours of CPD content 

Explore Our Digital and Technology CPD Courses


About These Digital And Technology Courses

In the modern digital landscape, staying updated with technology is no longer optional but essential. Learnsignal’s Digital & Technology courses offer accountants a streamlined pathway to navigate and thrive in this tech-centric environment.

From understanding the nuances of blockchain and digital currencies to fortifying against cyber threats and optimizing remote work, these courses cover the gamut of essential tech topics. With Learnsignal, accountants are not just learning but future-proofing their skills.

Embrace the digital transformation and stay ahead in the accounting realm with Learnsignal’s comprehensive Digital & Technology offerings.


CPD Courses Inside This Category 📒

Boost your skills and career with an in-demand professional qualification. Choose the right course for you to kickstart a path to learning and career success!

Digital & Technology

Cyber Risk Management and Reporting (2 units)

• 2 units • 2

Certificate on Completion



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Digital & Technology

Understanding Cyber Threats and Security (2 units)

• 2 units • 2

Certificate on Completion



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Digital & Technology

How Blockchain Works (2 units)

• 2 units • 2

Certificate on Completion



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Digital & Technology

Cybercrime (3 units)

• 3 units • 3

Certificate on Completion



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Digital & Technology

Technology For Remote Working

• 2 units • 2

Certificate on Completion



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Digital & Technology

Understanding Cryptocurrency (1 unit - FREE)

• 2 units • 2

Certificate on Completion



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Digital & Technology

The Risks of Cryptocurrency (2 units)

• 2 units • 2

Certificate on Completion



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Digital & Technology

How Cryptocurrency Operates (2 units)

• 2 units • 2

Certificate on Completion



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Digital & Technology

Application of Blockchain for Accountants (2 units)

• 2 units • 2

Certificate on Completion



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Explore Our Other CPD Categories 📒

Browse some of the other categories of CPD courses that may also be of interest to you:


Multiple Courses

Explore our ESG courses to improve your knowledge and skills across this area.

See Details

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Multiple Courses

Learn all about developments in AI, and how you can use tools and technology to advance your career.

See Details


Explore The Full CPD Library 💶

Customised pricing plans designed to fit in with your wallet and work.

⚡️ What You Get

  • Access to 530+ CPD Units/Hours
  • CPD Record Planner
  • 15+ Accounting Standard Courses
  • 15+ Management Skills Courses
  • 15+ Technical Update Courses
  • 8+ Personal Development Courses
  • 10+ Refresher Training Courses
  • 21 CPD Unit Technical Expertise Courses
  • 21 CPD Unit Corporate Strategy Courses
  • 21 CPD Unit Management Development Courses
  • Access to all tracks, ranging from 10-21 units
  • Access to over 110 individual courses