Articles in

How to Successfully Pass Your ACCA Corporate & Business Law Exam

If you’re wondering how to pass ACCA Corporate & Business Law, this comprehensive guide will tell you how to pass f...

Conor Motyer
04 Jul 2022
7 min read

How to Pass ACCA Taxation – The Ultimate Guide

If you’re wondering how to pass ACCA Taxation, this comprehensive guide will tell you everything you need to know t...

Conor Motyer
04 Jul 2022
9 min read

How Much Do Professional Accounting Exams Cost?

Read to find out the price of professional accounting exams such as ACCA and CIMA and how they benefit someone's career.

Clodagh OBrien
04 Jul 2022
6 min read

How are CIMA Case Study Exams Marked?

In the CIMA exam, it’s essential to consider the question "How are CIMA Case Study Exams Marked?" looking at how ea...

Conor Motyer
04 Jul 2022
4 min read

Your Essential Guide to CIMA Exam Papers

If you’re considering CIMA as a qualification or about to begin studying, it’s important to know what you need to...

Katie Ni Choileain
04 Jul 2022
5 min read

4 Effective Ways to Pass Your ACCA Exam

Do you really want to pass your ACCA exams? That may seem like a silly question, but there are 4 resources that stude...

Conor Motyer
04 Jul 2022
5 min read

When are FRM exams held in 2024?

Becoming a Financial Risk Manager takes commitment, time & dedication. To help you plan effectively, here're key FRM ...

Clodagh OBrien
04 Jul 2022
3 min read

YoY Analysis: Is A Company Growing or Shrinking Annually?

In financial analysis, year-over-year is a comparison that helps in interpreting business growth considering differen...

Abhijit Biswas
04 Jul 2022
4 min read

What Is Compounding & the Importance of Time Period?

In this blog, you'll get an understanding of the concept of Compounding, Time Period, Rate of Return & Rule of 72.

Sagar Pujari
04 Jul 2022
6 min read

How are ACCA Exams Marked?

Find out how ACCA exams are marked, who’s involved, how to make fewer mistakes and how to get your papers checked.

Conor Motyer
04 Jul 2022
4 min read