4 Unit Course

Mastering Macroeconomics


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Course Information

Certificate on Completion

In recent times there has been a lot of discussion on global economics. This course will help build a better understanding around this topic and the most regular terms used, specifically:

– Output and Income – in particular its importance to the study of macroeconomics and the various ways in which it is measured;

– Appreciation of how GDP is calculated;

– The Investment Savings Curve;

– Aggregate Demand and Supply; and

– Aspects of the business cycle.

This course is made up of videos, questions and additional reading materials, and accounts for 4 units of CPD. One unit is the equivalent of one hour of learning.

This course is made up of the following sections:

  • Aggregate output and income (video)
  • Aggregate output and income (quiz)
  • Gross Domestic Product (video)
  • IS and LM Curves (video)
  • GDP, IS and LM Curves (quiz)
  • Aggregate demand and supply (video)
  • Aggregate demand and supply (quiz)
  • Business cycle and economic growth (video)
  • AD, AS, business cycle and economic growth (quiz)


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