ACCA Strategic Professional Optional
Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)
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ACCA Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)
The Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) course builds on concepts from the Audit and Assurance and Strategic Business Reporting (SBR) ACCA papers. The AAA course introduces intricate topics and revisits foundational ones from varied perspectives, mirroring real-world auditing challenges.
Moreover, the course keeps students updated with current issues, exposure drafts, and the latest in audit, including the rise of emerging technologies.
Transitioning to the exam specifics, students should be aware that:
- Questions are set within the framework of individual entities, conglomerates, and both private and public sector organizations.
- A clear grasp of the exam’s structure and the anticipated tasks is vital for effective preparation.
For those on their ACCA qualification journey, the AAA course stands as one of the four elective papers at the Strategic Professional level, with students selecting two out of these four options.
Your Guide To Passing ACCA Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA):
- Study with an Approved Learning Partner
- Make use of ACCA resources available
- Focus on learning how to apply and use knowledge
- Practice planning questions, writing full answers and reviewing them thoroughly
- Practice with a CBE tool to prepare for your exam.
What’s Included In Your ACCA Subscription 
Payment plans to suit your budget, with access to everything you need to pass your exams!
What You Get
- Guided ACCA study plans
- Subject cheat sheets
- Access the full ACCA syllabus
- Student support webinars
- Exam Questions MasterClass
- Exam Revision Bootcamp
- Exam Revision Crash Camp
- ACCA Question & Solution Packs
- Useful Formulae
- Subject-specific Technical articles
- 24/7 Expert Tutor Support